Pennsylvania, Emily and Cole Martin, exchange their three -bedroom home to a 19 acre farm with 68,000 chickens

Pennsylvania, Emily and Cole Martin, exchange their three -bedroom home to a 19 acre farm with 68,000 chickens

A family has replaced its three -bedroom home on a 19 -acre farm with 68,000 chickens to teach their children “working with their hands and solving problems.”

Emily and Cole Martin, both of whom were 27 years old, grew up in agricultural society and they always had a farm.

In November 2024, the couple’s dream became a reality when they bought and managed a farm in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Emily and Cole Martin recently bought a 19 -acre farm for their family.
Emily Martin / SWNS

The couple said that the great factor for them to move to the farm was around their family, and they always wanted to raise their children – between the ages of one and three – in this type of environment.

The couple plans to teach their two children the ropes as they grow a little to show that nothing comes in life easily.

“We have always thought that there is no better way to raise our children instead of teaching the ropes on the farm,” said Emily, the farm of the house and the egg farms. “I and my husband always had a love of agriculture – he started working on a farm when he was 11 years old. He always had a cultivation and always had a dream in managing a farm for ourselves. We are excited to achieve our dreams in raising our children on the farm.”

In November 2024, after working on a farm, he was told that he would come on the market and asked if he wanted to buy it.

Emily added: “My husband is a great dreamer, I am more realistic and ask whether or not we can do this.” He called me several times before telling me that the farm is offered for sale. This time, he called me and told me that these two spouses wanted to sell the farm and if we wanted it and I definitely say. We were both, we grew up in agriculture or around – it’s something we were looking for. “

The couple took the farm with an area of ​​19 acres of that month, along with two chicken houses and 68,000 chickens.

FAM has more than 68,000 chickens. Emily Martin / SWNS
Emily admitted that it would become a “modification” egg farmer. Emily Martin / SWNS

Emily says to become a “adjustment” egg farmer because she tries to reconcile her new lifestyle, paternity and motherhood.

“The most difficult part was an attempt to reconcile everything,” Emily said. “Getting eggs packed, making sure that the boys have received the attention they need. Then go out to help Cole with chicken homes. Even entering them, you know that it is a job for seven days, but it does not hit you until you enter it.”

Emily said it is important for them to raise their child on the farm to show them that nothing in life is easy.

The couple hopes that the farm of the farm is their children, “working with their hands and solving problems.” Emily Martin / SWNS
Cole worked in cultivation before purchasing the land. Emily Martin / SWNS

The couple talks about home education, but they say they have not yet made a decision.

“We have always thought that it would be the best place to raise children because it can help teach them many different things – hard work, how to work with the Earth, work with animals, work with their hands, and solve problems,” Emily shared. “It will also give them an understanding that everything does not come easy, and respect the same life after seeing everything it takes to keep things.”

“We are not sure of home education. This is something we talked about, but we have not made any final decisions on education.”

Emily and Cole said that the most difficult part of adapting to farm life is the sorcery of everything, but it is useful to see their products from start to finish.

The couple admitted that the farm’s life was a “whirlwind”, but it would not change it.

“This is the way we grew up, my husband is the most difficult factor I know,” said Emily. “You have many different aspects of agriculture, you can do a little and a little. You can produce a product for a large group of people – we are helping to feed the country.”

“It is amazing to see something that moves from anything to a full -growing product, and knowing that you were the person who arrives at that point that works with the weather that God gives you, Cole said,” The same thing with chicken, when we get it first, do not lay eggs yet, but you care about them and work on good as possible to produce the best eggs that you can. “

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